Volunteer With Kusewera!

We are creating space for Malawian leaders and teachers in the community to have an impact in the growth and development of their own children and community members. Our mission is to empower and educate children through active and creative play programs. Our current project location is in Malawi, Africa, both our Girl Power and Boys Leadership Initiative are global, and we organize local US volunteer opportunities as well. We create activities such as sports, dance, music, art and more. Our sustainable year-round programs in Malawi empower the children to learn, laugh and play. Our hope is that they are able to dream for a bright future, be awakened to new goals for their lives, and be positive leaders in their communities. We aim to listen and implement locally-identified projects alongside the community members.

People from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply to volunteer with Kusewera and be a part of the greater good. We welcome other groups and individuals wanting to volunteer, whether you are from outside Malawi or a Malawian volunteer. We encourage everyone to promote and practice love, unity, understanding and inclusion in your own country and in your communities first before traveling to Malawi to work with the beautiful people of Malawi. If you are unable to care about the lives of people of all races, religions, genders and backgrounds in your own community and country, we are unable to welcome that mentality and do not feel you should go across the globe to act like you do. We are not working in Malawi or anywhere else to fulfill anyone’s saviorism. As we state in our policies and guidelines and in the registration notes, we are not open to those who promote any ideology of hate and discrimination towards any ethnic group, religion/faith or of anyone that might be different or look different than oneself. Our motto is LOVE FIRST, then think, speak and act. If you lead with love first, and are ready to work alongside the beautiful people of Malawi, apply today to begin your journey with us! Your final acceptance and participation will be based on your application, questionnaire, completed training and your general overall understanding of our posted mission and statement. We encourage volunteers to each raise a minimum of $500 towards a project or programs, separate from the trip costs. We find that when volunteers are invested in the mission of Kusewera and gather donations through their efforts, they appreciate their involvement more.

Many of our volunteers have found these books to be helpful in better understanding true history and our current times: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney,  How To Be An Antiracist by Ibram X Kendi, The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, Me and White Supremacy by Layla F Saad, The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person by Frederick Joseph, The Myth of Equality by Ken Wytsma, White Awake by Daniel Hill, Moving Diversity ForwardHow To Go From Well-Meaning To Well-Doing by Verna Myers, What If I Say The Wrong Thing by Verna Myers

Article to read: Negative Effects of Colonialism in Africa

Another important book: When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert

Social handles suggested to follow: @racialequityinsights @Faitthb  

Kusewera partner organizations and opportunities for volunteer service in the US can be found HERE!

Kusewera Service Trip Dates


Group & Individual Volunteer Application

*Fundraising assistance available, additional policies at Kusewera policies and guideline

June 27 – July 6, 2025  (if adding safari, through July 8th) – Malawi, Africa – Trip Leader: Karen Osborn – Apply by March 15, 2025 
**recommended 2-day/1 night safari with team at MVUU Camp in Malawi

  • Staying at Kusewera Village.
  • Trip cost $699 includes but is not limited to airport pick up/drop off, lodging, meals, trip leader.
  • Cost does not include airfare (currently between $1700-$2100 RT depending on route). Great websites to check for flight deals include OneTravel.com or CheapoAir.com. Fee also does not include $15 background check fee for new volunteers.
  • We encourage volunteers to each raise a minimum of $500 from friends, family and their social platforms towards a project or programs, separate from the trip costs. We find that when volunteers are invested in the mission of Kusewera and gather monetary donations through their efforts, they appreciate their involvement more.
  • Acceptance as a trip volunteer is based on application, questionnaire, final approval by review team. A completed training is mandatory (see next note),
  • Each volunteer will be required to complete pre-trip training that includes topics of culture competency, expectations, understanding your privilege and more. Having an understanding and acknowledgement of Kusewera’s mission and statement with those topics in mind is key and will help finalize volunteer participation.
  • Your registration and a $400 non-refundable deposit must be paid in order to HOLD your spot by March 15, 2025. *IF our review team determines that you do not have final approval to join our volunteer trip, your deposit will be refunded to you. Mandatory training and review will be done prior to the due date of final trip costs (April 20, 2023). We will have additional group training after the deadline and all volunteers are set.
  • Full trip costs are due by April 20, 2025.
  • **ADD ON safari experience optional (team goes together) w/ addt’l cost of $499 pp (includes transportation, lodging, meals, 2 safaris excursions – land and boat) DEADLINE to confirm safari is March 15, 2025.
  • IF you have already been approved, and would like to make your trip payment or you want to make a donation to someone’s trip, you may do that HERE.
– A Kusewera rep will assist you in your travel planning, to assure proper flights, locations etc. Your destination airport code is LLW. Contact us for ways you can fundraise for your trip! You can also send the donation link to family and friends to donate towards your trip on your behalf.

Please click here to fill out the application and registration form and a Kusewera representative will contact you soon!


Other groups and individuals may volunteer and book time at Kusewera Village in Malawi, Africa. Please contact kusewera@gmail.com for inquiries, schedule, requirements and program alignment.
Please note that while a US and Malawian Kusewera representative will be present to guide and assist during these times, a group/team leader is essential to the success of a non-Kusewera led trip. 
Any group or individual requesting to volunteer or book time at Kusewera Village will be subject to a signed Kusewera policies and guidelines, and approval after completion of the application process. There is a $15 background check fee for new U.S. based volunteers or individuals working with the children at Kusewera Village that will be added to your trip costs.
To register as a GROUP LEADER of your own group, start the process here.
To apply to volunteer as an INDIVIDUAL at Kusewera Village, start the process here!
To pay for or donate to a volunteer trip, you may do so HERE


  • Volunteering on a trip with Kusewera is open to people from all walks of life, with a passion or skill, that will be implemented into our existing programs. Our approach is to “learn from and participate with” the communities. What are your passions and skills?
  • The days with the kids include an intense set of daily clinics, (morning and afternoon) that the children attend, and are led in partnership by local staff and volunteers. Be prepared, as it’s a lot of work!
  • We like to provide volunteers with the opportunity to explore a bit of the local town and other parts of the country in which they are working in.
  • Kusewera offers the option of a short, 2 day safari / excursion. We’ve worked hard to gain relationships, that give us the best rates on everything from transportation, safari, food and more. Your visit and resources spent locally and at safari can help their communities tremendously.
  • We encourage each volunteer to take over 1-2 checked bags of donated items like clothing, medical supplies, sports equipment, etc. that is easier to assure delivery of donations into the right hands.


  • **Kusewera led trips (unless designated as a family trip) are limited to volunteers over 18 years of age, or 13-17 years of age WITH a parent or chaperone over 25 yrs. of age accompanying them on the trip. 
  • Individuals and groups with children may apply. Kusewera has questionnaires and interviews for children under 14, and for their parent(s) and/or guardians to determine if they are a good fit. We recommend a parent join a trip to Malawi first, before deciding if their own child is ready for a humanitarian trip.
  • **If the volunteer cannot make the humanitarian trip that they register for due to medical reasons or emergency situations out of their control, and notice is given to Kusewera at least 60 days prior to scheduled trip departure, their $500 non-refundable deposit may be held for them for 1 calendar year, in order to allow the volunteer to go on another humanitarian trip within 1 year. If the volunteer is not able to make said trip the following year, their non-refundable $500 will go towards general Kusewera projects that benefit the children.
  • If the volunteer has personally paid for the trip costs, and there are funds above the non-refundable deposit, it may be refunded to volunteer only if it is at least 60 days prior to scheduled trip departure.
  • If volunteer cancels 45-59 days prior, refund amount will be 75% (less the deposit) of personally funded fees.
  • If cancellation is 44 days or less, 50% may be refunded (less the deposit) of personally funded fees.
  • Should the volunteer raise funds for their full humanitarian trip costs from donors other than themselves, and need to cancel, no refund will be given, but same % amounts may be held for up to one calendar year. If the volunteer cannot make said trip or the following year’s trip, all donations from other donors will go towards general Kusewera projects that benefit the children. If volunteer raises funds over the trip cost (including safari), all remaining donations will go to the general Kusewera account for projects that benefit the children. Volunteers may raise personal funds for flights, immunizations, etc through any other funding page not related to the Kusewera donation pages.
  • **Kusewera reserves the right to deny participation to potential volunteers that do not meet the requirements, through the application process, reference checks and background check.

Please click here to fill out the application and registration form and a Kusewera representative will contact you soon!

Completed in 2017, Kusewera’s Guest House sleeps 30 guests. There is a full self-service kitchen, dining room, large front porch, 4 guest bedrooms and 4 guest bathrooms. View accommodations HERE.

Get up close and personal with wildlife while on safari with the team! We partner with Crafted Africa to make it the best experience possible!


Serving 300 Children

Kusewera serves over 300 children in 3 local villages surrounding the Kusewera community center in Lilongwe, Malawi.

Leading Group Service Trips Since 2008

Kusewera service trips to Africa started in 2008, with volunteers from the United States and abroad.

Kusewera Community Center

We opened our brand new community center in July 2017 including a guest house (sleeps 20+), sports complex, dance studio, class rooms, and more to come!
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Kusewera is a registered 501(c)(3)

Trip fees are tax deductible to U.S. taxpayers! Make sure to learn more when you apply for your service trip.

Your generosity supports Kusewera’s mission to empower and educate children through active and creative play programs.