Empowering & Educating Children Through Active & Creative play programs

We EMPOWER, ENCOURAGE and LOVE – we see you.
Kusewera means “to play” in Chichewa, the language of Malawi, Africa
Healthy young minds learn through play and discovery. Our 3 pillars are Education, Health and Play!
Take a look at 2024 AT A Glance HERE and SEE what we’re generally up to HERE.
The Kusewera Community Center is located in the Chitipi area of Lilongwe, Malawi. To view in Google Maps, click HERE!
Directions : We are roughly 15-20 minutes from Gateway Mall, off M12 (Mchinji Road West), past the NRC junction, before Chitedze. You will see our large green and white sign opposite the road after the Islamic Secondary School. Head down that road about 1-2 minutes. Follow the curve left through Minimbi Village until you see our large entrance on the right with green and white Kusewera on the entrance walls! 
Mission : We are creating space for Malawian leaders and teachers in the community to have an impact in the growth and development of their own children and community members. We encourage community-driven development for sustainability, implementing locally-identified projects. We aim to regularly examine our intentions and ensure that we are putting the rights, respect, and desires of the communities first and foremost in our practices.
Kusewera believes every child deserves the chance for a bright future. We aim to empower and educate children through our active and creative play programs.
Our Community Center programs are in Malawi, Africa. We provide free preschool and kindergarten for the children in the community and after-school programs for the primary and secondary school children. We have sports teams, various activity groups and tutoring all year-round. Our staff organizes activities such as sports, dance, music, art and more. All are integral parts of a child’s development and teaches valuable life skills. Our sustainable year-round after-school program empowers the children to be awakened to new goals for their lives, and to be positive leaders in their communities. 
History : In 2008, Kusewera founder, Karen Osborn, took a trip to Malawi and worked with kids at an orphanage near Lilongwe, conducting sport clinics. She realized her passion to help these kids set and attain goals for their future. She worked to facilitate community-led initiatives and programs that educate, empower and encourage children and adults towards sustainable living and an impactful future. Karen has strongly advocated for a Malawi-led NGO and has encouraged the vision of Malawian leaders in the community to enhance growth. Initially, Kusewera was formed in 2010, and in 2012 became its own recognized, non-profit corporation under section 501(c)(3) under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. In 2015, Kusewera formed an official NGO in Malawi with the plan to create a Community Center. In 2017, the first preschool, kindergarten class and after school programs were in early stages of operation. After a few years of development, a local community member and volunteer, Wilma Saidi, began the implementation of a vision for an expansive future for Kusewera. 
Statement : We are a beautifully diverse group of people who promote true values of inclusivity, equality, love, peace, inclusion, justice, truth and liberation. We encourage everyone to show compassion in their own community, country and in the world. We believe that everyone in this world is created with equal value. We reject any ideology of hate or discrimination towards any ethnic group, religion/faith or of anyone that might be different or look different than oneself. We are adamantly against bigotry, discrimination, hatred, casteism and racism in all its forms. We acknowledge the negative effects colonialism has caused in Africa, the U.S. and in many parts of the world. We acknowledge the existence of inequities, inequality, oppression, privilege and unconscious bias and aim to be active participants in addressing the very real racial and systemic injustices. We are not working in Malawi or anywhere else to fulfill anyone’s saviorism. This is about humanity.
Many of our volunteers have found these books to be helpful in better understanding true history and our current times: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney,  How To Be An Antiracist by Ibram X Kendi, The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, Me and White Supremacy by Layla F Saad, The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person by Frederick Joseph, The Myth of Equality by Ken Wytsma, White Awake by Daniel Hill, Moving Diversity Forward – How To Go From Well-Meaning To Well-Doing by Verna Myers, What If I Say The Wrong Thing by Verna Myers
Article to read: Negative Effects of Colonialism in Africa
Another important book: When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
Social handles we suggest to follow: @racialequityinsights, @Faitthb, @BlackHistoryUnlocked
Malawi Team
US Team

Kusewera Policies and Guidelines

Kusewera is a registered U.S. 501(c)(3) – EIN 45-5577065
Kusewera is also a registered NGO in Malawi, Africa L/16/010
— Question: Is Kusewera a religious organization or connected to a specific church? Why or why not?
Answer from Karen (Founder):
When starting Kusewera, I wanted to be sure to involve people from all walks of life. I believe everyone who is focused on love and acceptance has something to teach and share, no matter their background, faith or life’s journey. There are various limitations to certain categories in the non-profit sector that I did not want to impose on our mission. As such, Kusewera is not a religious non-profit nor connected to a specific religious group. I am a Christian, some of our board members are too and many of our committee members and volunteers are as well. Other valuable board  or committee members and long-term volunteers are not, but all are full of love and believe in our mission, with amazing insight to share. I have specifically noted in our policies that we do not tolerate hate, prejudice or words and acts of discrimination or language that supports anything of the like. Promoting an ideology that doesn’t encourage unity and inclusion is prohibited. I firmly believe that, no matter what ones faith is. Malawi is a predominately Christian country at 71%, including 19% Catholics. Muslims make up 12% and 17% are categorized as other. A lot of the cultural songs the kids and adults sing in the villages are faith-based. Many Malawians have Christian beliefs that lean conservative and we keep that in mind when conducting programs and activities for both the children and adults we walk alongside.