Click the Donate button below to make a general donation OR pay for your humanitarian trip. Kusewera is a registered 501c3 and your donation is tax deductible.Donate to KuseweraOR you can text “give” to 855-278-PLAY (7529) on your mobile! It’s super easy!



Thank you for your interest in donating to Kusewera and/or supporting our kids and staff through sponsorship. This helps us achieve our mission of empowering and educating children through active and creative play. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and we are proud to say that over 90% of every dollar you contribute goes directly to our programs and services! Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. law. Sponsorship questions can be address to:

For Corporate, Brand and Individual Commitment information, click here.
MONTHLY SPONSORSHIPS – For information on sponsorships, click here.
Choose from the drop-down menu to select a sponsorship:

Monthly Sponsorships

Frequently asked questions:

Question 1: If I’m donating for someone’s trip, where do I write their name?
Answer 1: After clicking on the “Update Total”, it will give you a blue highlighted note that says +Add note to Kusewera under the Kusewera name. Write the volunteer’s name there.
Question 2:  If I’m doing a general donation, do I need to enter any additional info?
Answer 2: Nope, just know you are appreciated
Question 3: If I’m donating to a specific project, or sponsoring a particular staff, how do I know it goes to that project or staff?
Answer 3: After clicking on the “Update Total”, it will give you a blue highlighted note that says +Add note to Kusewera. Write in project or specification there.

*Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
OR you can mail a CHECK to:
7080 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 306
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Attn: Kusewera – on behalf of ____________
Thank you!