Thank you for staying with us at Kusewera. We appreciate that your visit is varied from others and every one has their own experience. We would love your feedback. You may leave specific notes at the end.
First Name
Last Name
Group you visited with
Please select one. 1 is low and 5 is high:
How would you rate your overall general experience in Malawi and with Kusewera?
How would you rate your overall stay at Kusewera?
How would you rate the overall cleanliness of the accommodations?
How would you rate the Staff at Kusewera?
Do you feel you were able to accomplish your goals for your trip?
Understanding the need for flexibility in Malawi, how would you improve either the programs or other aspects of your stay ?
What were your MOST favorite things about your stay in Malawi and/or at Kusewera?
Do you have a LEAST favorite thing about your trip/stay?
Please let us know any additional comments or an overall take away from your trip/stay:
How likely are you to visit Kusewera again?
How likely are you to encourage someone else to join a Kusewera program or stay at Kusewera?
Are you interested in learning more ways you can support or get involved with Kusewera?
Check out our website ( You can support Kusewera here
Zikomo kwambiri for your feedback! You are appreciated!
Visitor or Guest Signature