First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
1) Respect and care for the property. 2) Be kind to one another. 3) No littering, trash bins are provided. 4) No fighting. Any physical or verbal fighting will not be tolerated. 5) No Stealing or theft of any kind is allowed. Anyone found to be stealing or attempting to steal will be removed immediately and may be punished to the fullest extent permitted by law. 6) Inside the Community Center Building – no running, yelling/screaming. 7) No smoking on the property. 8) Any alcohol consumption (aside from personal staff housing) will be after business hours and only with the approval of a Kusewera sponsored event, Mini Golf reservation or approved, of-age guests in the guest accommodations. Any and all actions will be orderly and any misconduct will be grounds for immediate dismissal.
Kusewera's mission: We are creating space for Malawian leaders and teachers in the community to have an impact in the growth and development of their own children and community members. We encourage community-driven development for sustainability, implementing locally-identified projects. We aim to regularly examine our intentions and ensure that we are putting the rights, respect, and desires of the community first and foremost in our practices.
Kusewera believes every child deserves the chance for a bright future. We aim to empower and educate children through our active and creative play programs.
Kusewera statement: As a whole, the Kusewera U.S. and Malawian board and all staff are a beautifully diverse group of people who promote true values of inclusivity, equality, love, peace, inclusion, justice, truth and liberation. We encourage everyone to show compassion in their own community, country and in the world. We believe in the acceptance and love for people of all colors, races, religions, genders or backgrounds and believe that everyone in this world is created with equal value. We reject any ideology of hate or discrimination towards any ethnic group, religion/faith or of anyone that might be different or look different than oneself. We are adamantly against bigotry, casteism and racism in all its forms. We acknowledge the negative effects colonialism has caused in Africa, the U.S. and in many parts of the world. We acknowledge the existence of inequities, inequality, oppression, privilege, and unconscious bias and aim to be active participants in addressing the very real racial and systemic injustices. We are not working in Malawi or anywhere else to fulfill anyone's saviorism. It’s about humanity.
We are not working in Malawi to give handouts. We will not simply give money to those who ask, as that only perpetuates the poverty problem. Any volunteer or guest who randomly gives money directly to a Kusewera staff member, or child/adult in the communities we work alongside or to anyone related to Kusewera's efforts who is asking for money will be terminated as a Kusewera Volunteer or guest. Any Kusewera staff member or child asking volunteers or guests for money should be reported and Kusewera will handle as per our policy. Any and all financial transactions will be handled through designated Kusewera staff only and noted prior to stay. The allocations of funds for activities and projects will be distributed to appropriate affiliates or staff via Kusewera at our discretion relating to specific needs. Volunteers should not make promises of gifts or experiences that are not discussed and approved by Kusewera beforehand.
Kusewera distributes material gifts with specific purpose and intention. Material gifts are not handed out randomly. Many useful items are donated and distributed in an orderly and planned manner under the supervision of Kusewera and its assigned staff. These include but are not limited to educational supplies, necessary clothing items, feminine hygiene items, general hygiene and health items as well as items used in the programs such as sports equipment, art/creative supplies, musical instruments, etc. Kusewera welcomes skilled volunteers to help implement the Kusewera programs.
Kusewera welcomes volunteers and guests from all walks of life. We do not tolerate hate, prejudice or words and acts of discrimination or language that supports anything of the like. Promoting an ideology that doesn't encourage unity and inclusion is prohibited. Any Guest, Applicant, Volunteer or Representative who engages in such ideology or activity will be removed from consideration, volunteer opportunities or participation on site immediately.
Kusewera Guests, Applicants, Volunteers or Representatives should not undermine the mission and policies of Kusewera and its leaders. Any and all dealings with Kusewera staff, children and people we work alongside, including sponsorship and program donations will be handled through Kusewera.
Kusewera will not tolerate emotional, psychological, or physical abuse of any kind, especially against any children participating in our programs or against volunteers, staff, guests and anyone else affected by the presence of Kusewera and its programs. This misbehavior negatively impacts the people of Malawi, and the image and reputation of Kusewera.
If policies are not followed, Kusewera reserves the right to end the Guest, Applicant, Volunteer or Representative’s involvement with Kusewera immediately. Any and all costs incurred will not be at the expense of Kusewera but on the visitor or guest.
*Regarding Volunteer Trips - If a volunteer's trip is already in progress, and the volunteer is dismissed, Kusewera is not responsible for additional costs incurred by or related to said changes.
Volunteer, Staff, Visitor or Guest Signature
I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above terms and policies.